[12/02] 미국주식 4071p | 1295원

The S&P 500 index rose slightly to 4,071 points this week, while the dollar fell slightly to 1,295 won. The dollar is investing in the dollar index in anticipation of 1300-1360, but fortunately, it was good that it didn’t deviate significantly, but I’m still nervous. The stock market is not easy to look into on weekdays because there are many things that have been spread out. Even if I look at the current situation where weekends are sorted out last Monday and last week, my heart is going to the bean field. The stock market, which used to go elsewhere in the bean fields, flows very well regardless of my intentions. It’s going as well as the company I used to work for. I’m sure there will be news of a rate hike soon, but I’m very concerned about what will happen. I wonder how it will affect the stock market, with 0.5 percentage points considered likely. The words were long. Summarize current trends with images. All materials were brought from cnbc.finviz.yahoo.Trading Economics.

Dow Nasdaq S&P 500 Daily Chart

USD/KRW 1296원

VIX 20

S&P 500 WEEK Performance rose slightly, mostly in green. Tesla’s 6 percent rise stands out, while Google Microsoft, especially Netflix, is up 12 percent. Meta is up 10% this week. Good. The ginkgo and the oil are red. Apple also remained almost flat.

WORLD WEEK PERFORMANCE China is extraordinary. Baba rose 19 percent two weeks ago, while PDD rose 31 percent this week after week.

ETF WEEK Performance rose slightly and emerging markets are growing significantly.Year Chart Replace graphs and transition lines without further explanation. No one can predict the future, but we have to bring our feelings.EURO, it’s too late to get in now. It’s gone up a lot.VIX went down a lot.VIX went down a lot.VIX went down a lot.VIX went down a lot.interests of the United States2022-12-14 Federal Reserve interest rate cuts. FCST 4.5%;2022-12-14 Federal Reserve interest rate cuts. FCST 4.5%;